Here is where I plan to log my efforts to build a 2500 point dark elf army for warhammer fantasy battles. The army is built as part of a tale of x gamers the flgs (friendly local game store) is arranging.
For those of you reading who are unfamiliar of the concept tale of x gamers I will describe it to you. It works like this, a bunch of gamers decide that they need to get going with that army they have said for years that they are going to build and paint. But since they are gamers, they have already ten armylists ready and bought a bunch of miniatures which now sits half assembled on their painting table and glares at them with contempt. So in order to get started painting they get a set of rules. i.e. paint x amout each month or else. So basically peer preassure. For this installement the plan is as follows:
November 400 points
December No goal
January 1100 points
February 1500 points
March 2000 points
April 2500 points
So hopefully, I will have a painted 2500 point army by april.
"Okay thats nice, but where are the pictures" I can hear you say impatiently. Calm down, there will be pictures of painted miniatures soon enough. But untill then you will have to settle for some pictures of unpainted ones.
A bunch of angry, evil, unpainted elves. |
With that said my goal for this month is:
10 Witch elves with musician 120 points
Supreme Sorceress, lvl 4, sac. dagger and 4+ ward 290 points
Thats 410 points right there, if I get some time left I might paint up the dark riders to, but thats a stretch goal.
Now, I better get back to painting some elves.
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